Online Bet Din for Jewish Conversion with Sim Shalom
If you would like to proceed please contact us by emailing at [email protected].

If you’re exploring the path of converting to Judaism, our online Jewish Conversion program offers a comprehensive and flexible study experience. Designed to accommodate individuals from all walks of life, our program is structured to provide a thorough understanding of Jewish faith and practice, while being accessible from anywhere in the United States.
Features of Our Online Jewish Conversion Program:
- Comprehensive Curriculum: The program consists of eight units, accessible online without any time constraints. This flexibility allows you to progress at your own pace, making it possible to complete the program in just a few short months. The coursework is designed to be both thorough and convenient, ensuring a deep understanding of Jewish traditions and practices.
- Interactive Monthly Online Gatherings: To enhance the learning experience, we host monthly online gatherings. These sessions allow you to learn in a group setting, ask questions, and engage with peers. This interactive component fosters a sense of community and shared learning.
- Exposure to Various Jewish Denominations: As part of the coursework, participants are encouraged to attend synagogues of different Jewish denominations. This aspect, emphasized by Rabbi Blane, is crucial for understanding the diverse practices within Judaism and helps you find your place within the broader Jewish community.
- Significance of Mikvah: The program includes the deeply spiritual and significant practice of Mikvah (ritual immersion). This can be completed in your local area, whether it be a designated Mikvah, a natural lake, or even the ocean, providing a meaningful and personal spiritual experience. In some cases, sadly, a local mikvah may not welcome converts. Please read Rabbi Deborah Reichmann’s opinion piece that was printed in the Washington Jewish Week here. As indicated you may use a natural body of water which is the Halachic requirement for immersion.
- Inclusive Approach to Rituals: Recognizing the diverse backgrounds of our students, circumcision or Hatafat Dam (drawing a drop of blood) is not a requirement in our program. We respect the individual choices and circumstances of our participants.
- Completion and Recognition: Upon completing the study program, you will participate in an online meeting with a Bet Din, comprising three Rabbis. This final step welcomes you as a member of K’lal Yisrael (the Community of Israel). Following this, you will receive an emailed certificate of conversion, affirming your complete integration into the Jewish faith.
- Jewish Upon Conversion: Our program ensures that once you are converted, you are recognized as Jewish. However, Orthodox and Conservative communities would typically not accept our conversions as valid.
This online Jewish Conversion program is ideal for those seeking a deep, authentic engagement with Judaism on a flexible schedule. Whether you are new to Jewish traditions or looking to formalize your connection to the Jewish faith, our program is designed to support your spiritual journey every step of the way. Join us to embark on a transformative journey of faith, learning, and community.
Sim Shalom, our Online synagogue is Jewish Universalist. As envisioned by Rabbi Blane Jewish Universalism is a non-judgmental, completely Interfaith supportive Movement. We are proud to be Jewish Universalist, but please understand that when you convert, you may choose whatever path of Judaism that resonates for you.
More Information About Our Jewish Conversion Online Classes
Start your studies at ANY TIME and proceed at your own pace. All of our courses can be accessed online.
Study from wherever you are (in the United States only), all you need is Internet. No travel is required (except to attend worship services and visit a Mikvah)!
Our program is mostly self-directed and self paced. There are 8 online courses you will need to complete. Topics of discussion include but are not limited to:
- Torah
- Shabbat
- Holidays and Festivals
- Kashrut (Kosher Law)
- Jewish Symbols and their Meanings
- Jewish History
- Life Cycle Events
You will also attend a minimum of 4 monthly online group sessions (led by a facilitator) where you may ask questions you may have about the courses.
Fees for the course are:
- $150.00 per each unit – there are 8 in total (you will need to pay this fee before gaining access to each unit)
- $300.00 for the Bet Din (the Rabbis who oversee the final conversion process)
- Required books will need to be purchased (approximately $75)
If you would like to proceed please contact us by emailing at [email protected].
(You may also call us at 201-338-0165 if that is more convenient)
We will then send you a Letter of Understanding, set up a “navigation” session to show you how to access your online coursework and your journey begins!
Denominations and the Sim Shalom Conversion Process
There is controversy within the Jewish Community over Conversion. You cannot count on any particular Denomination’s Conversion to satisfy everyone. Our conversion, or a Reform or even Conservative conversion would typically not be acceptable in the Orthodox Jewish world or for making aliyah to Israel.
Sim Shalom’s Jewish Conversion course of study is traditional in it’s process- study, Mikvah and Bet Din- but liberal in that we do not require men to undergo a circumcision or Hat’fat Ha’Dam Brit (exacting a drop of blood).
It is most important that you are comfortable within your Jewish Community. We are certain that G-d is pleased to welcome anyone to the Jewish faith regardless of their level of observance or denominational affiliation.
And please understand, if in the future you life’s journey leads you to a more traditional path of observance- additional study leading to a more traditional conversion would only be a blessing!
G-d Bless you on your journey. Hope to “see” you online at Sim Shalom Services!