In Judaism, the years and months which comprise the Jewish calendar were first established during Biblical times, and are based on the cycles of the sun and moon. Over the ages, a number of holidays are established to commemorate important events that have occurred throughout Jewish history. Here are some of the most important:
This is a celebration involving the Jerusalem Temple rededication in the aftermath of a Jewish military victory over a Greek army which occupied it. It lasts for eight days and gifts are given to children.
This is one of the most important Jewish celebrations. It marks the release of the Jews from slavery in Ancient Egypt. No work is performed during this celebration. A Second Passover is held about a month later in which work is permissible.
This holiday celebrates the gift of the Torah from Mt. Sinai. During this holiday The Ten Commandments will be described in Jewish synagogues around the world, just as they were thousands of years ago.
Rosh Hashanah
This date is New Years for Jews. It is considered the anniversary for the birth of Adam and Eve, as well as a date where God receives coronation, and judgment is given.
Yom Kippur
This is considered the holiest date within the Jewish calendar. No work is permitted during it, most Jews fast and it typically falls during the Autumn.